Knowledge and experience are our most appreciated credentials by our customers
Having gained many years of experience working for major companies (SMEs and listed companies) enables our resources to offer a continuous professional service with high added value but also to be able to comply with the regulatory requirements and adapt to market needs, aiming at maximizing value creation for our customers and for the proper management of risk and the limitation of their liability.
Information Services
Taxlawplanet will advise their clients about the most important development in tax and legal and we are available to create personalized newsletters for a particular sector and field of interest.
In our site you can find, in particular, readily available:
- Regulatory Updates
- Electronic invoice and archives digital business
- National GAAP and IAS / IFRS
- Gender Equality
- Events and Conferences
- News of the Revenue
- News OIC
- News of the IASB
Our experts work with various leaders and have produced several publications that you can discover at this address:
Document management Taxlawplanet
Our customers can stay in touch with us online specifically with regards to sharing documents digitally without having to waste time in the delivery of paper documents. Taxlawplanet is available to provide services in digital mode only.
Electronic compliance
In order to save time and cost to our customers for certain activities we propose the use of tools and pre-built templates that allow you to provide information that we need to fulfil our mandate and at the same time improve the understanding of the work scope for our client, all in a completely digital manner and in compliance with applicable regulations.
Volunteer and pro bono work
Each employee in Taxlawplanet has the option of being involved in a socially active role in the voluntary sector. We encourage and support all our employees to share their knowledge of legal and taxation for the purpose of promoting social inclusion and gender equality.
For this reason, we also provide pro bono services in favour of disadvantaged or vulnerable groups and also promote voluntary activities to which everyone can join.
With this in mind, we invite you to nominate and support us by donating 0.5% as a tax donation in your tax return to:
HB Torino Onlus
(Basketball team for disabled children)
Association tax code: 97629400017
by transfer to the bank account:
Deutsche Bank
IBAN: IT92T0310401003000000310053
payable to HB TORINO ONLUS
UGI Onlus
(Children cancer foundation)
UGI tax code: 03689330011
by transfer to the bank account:
IBAN: IT 71 P 02008 01107 000000831009