Training and refresher courses provided by TaxLawPlanet professionals have the aim of developing an in-depth understanding into the current requirements concerning business administration. Ever changing regulations have created a need for key business personnel to regularly keep up to date to ensure compliant operation following European regulations and applicable EU rules.
TaxLawPlanet concentrates on improving professional customer service in organising seminars and refresher courses offering both functional and theoretical applications.
Our training offer:
Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements: drawing-up accounts, estimates, notes to financial statements and management reporting;
XBRL (Extensible Business Reporting Language);
IAS-compliant consolidated financial statements prepared on the basis of international accounting standards;
IVA: consequences of foreign transactions and electronic commerce;
Anti-money laundering: corporate and professional obligations;
Privacy and computer security: DPS planning (Document Processing System) and informative report, training and refresher courses;
Digital filing, electronic storage and e-invoicing: a paperless company;
Legislative Decree 231/01